Trino, formerly known as PrestoSQL, is an open-source distributed SQL query engine designed for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes. It was developed by Facebook for the massive amounts of data they handle and is now used by various companies for data analysis and business intelligence. Trino allows querying data where it lives, including Hive, Cassandra, relational databases, and proprietary data stores. A single Trino query can combine data from multiple sources, allowing for analytics across your entire organization.

To understand Trino’s position in the landscape of big data analytics tools, it’s helpful to compare it with similar products: Apache Hive, Apache Impala, and Apache Drill.

Apache Hive

  • Use Case: Initially created by Facebook as well, Hive is a data warehouse system built on Hadoop, allowing for data summarization, querying, and analysis. It converts SQL-like queries into MapReduce, Tez, or Spark jobs.
  • Performance: Hive is generally slower than Trino, especially for interactive queries, as it’s designed for batch processing large datasets using MapReduce.
  • Flexibility: Hive supports a wide range of data formats and is deeply integrated with Hadoop’s ecosystem, making it a go-to choice for Hadoop users.

Apache Impala

  • Use Case: Impala is an open-source, native analytic database for Apache Hadoop, designed for real-time querying of data stored in HDFS, Apache HBase without data movement or transformation.
  • Performance: Impala is known for its impressive speed for data stored in Hadoop, offering low-latency SQL queries.
  • Flexibility: While Impala provides faster query times for Hadoop data, its architecture is tightly coupled with the Hadoop ecosystem, which may limit flexibility in querying data from diverse data sources compared to Trino.

Apache Drill

  • Use Case: Drill is designed to query large-scale datasets in distributed storage and NoSQL databases without requiring predefined schemas. It’s known for its schema-free SQL query engine that can handle complex data structures.
  • Performance: Drill provides flexibility and the ability to query complex data in real-time but might not match Trino’s speed for more straightforward analytic queries over large datasets.
  • Flexibility: Drill excels in querying non-relational data sources and handling data with evolving schemas, making it highly flexible for exploratory data analysis.


  • Use Case: Trino is optimized for interactive analytics and is capable of querying data across multiple sources seamlessly. It’s designed for analysts who need to run fast ad-hoc queries on large datasets.
  • Performance: Trino stands out for its speed, especially for complex queries across different data sources. It’s engineered to provide low-latency responses to interactive analytic queries.
  • Flexibility: One of Trino’s key strengths is its ability to query data from multiple sources within a single query, offering unparalleled flexibility for data analysis without the need for data movement.

Below is a comparison of Trino with similar big data analytics tools, formatted as a Markdown table for clarity:

Feature/Tool Trino Apache Hive Apache Impala Apache Drill
Primary Use Case Optimized for interactive analytics across multiple data sources. Data warehouse system on Hadoop for data summarization and querying. Real-time querying of Hadoop data without data movement. Schema-free SQL query engine for large-scale datasets in distributed storage and NoSQL.
Performance High performance for complex queries across different data sources. Generally slower, optimized for batch processing with MapReduce. Low-latency SQL queries, optimized for performance on Hadoop data. Flexible and capable of real-time querying but may vary based on data complexity.
Flexibility High flexibility, able to query multiple data sources within a single query. Deep integration with Hadoop ecosystem, supports a wide range of data formats. Tightly coupled with Hadoop ecosystem, less flexibility compared to Trino. High flexibility in querying non-relational data sources and handling evolving schemas.
Architecture Distributed SQL query engine designed for interactive analytics. Built on top of Hadoop, uses MapReduce for processing. Native analytic database for Hadoop, designed for real-time querying. Distributed query engine that operates without predefined schemas.
Scalability Highly scalable, designed to handle petabytes of data. Scalable as it runs on Hadoop, but performance can be an issue for interactive queries. Scalable within the Hadoop ecosystem. Scalable, designed to query large-scale datasets efficiently.
Ease of Use SQL-like querying across diverse data sources. SQL-like interface (HiveQL) but with limitations compared to standard SQL. SQL interface for Hadoop data, more straightforward for Hadoop users. Flexible SQL queries for schema-less data, complex data structures.

Note: The performance, scalability, and flexibility of these tools can vary significantly based on the specific deployment, configuration, and the nature of the tasks they are used for. It’s essential to evaluate them in the context of your specific requirements and infrastructure.


While each of these technologies has its strengths, Trino is particularly well-suited for environments where speed and flexibility across multiple data sources are critical. It complements existing big data ecosystems by providing a powerful engine for interactive analytics and ad-hoc querying across diverse data stores. For organizations primarily invested in Hadoop and batch processing, tools like Hive or Impala might be more appropriate. In contrast, Trino and Drill offer more agility for real-time analytics and exploratory data analysis across various data sources.

For further details and technical comparisons, visiting the official websites and documentation of these projects is recommended: