
related blog: Apache Spark @Scale: A 60 TB+ production use case


1. Scuba: Diving into Data at Facebook

Paper: Scuba: Diving into Data at Facebook


Data Model:


  • Integers
  • Strings
  • Sets of Strings
  • Vectors of Strings (ordered, for corresponds)

Note that floats are not supported; aggregation over floating point numbers on many leaves can cause too many errors in accuracy.

Instead, Scuba recommends that users choose the number of decimal places they care about, say 5

SPARK-19753: Remove all shuffle files on a host in case of slave lost of fetch failure

Avoid multiple retries of stages in case of Fetch Failure.

If we remove all the shuffle files on that host, ** on first fetch failure **, we can rerun all the tasks on that host in a single stage retry.

Scuba Scuba

[1]. To update MapOutputTracker with fetch failure, mapStatuses(mapId) = null in MapOutputTracker.scala

   * Removes all shuffle outputs which satisfies the filter. Note that this will also
   * remove outputs which are served by an external shuffle server (if one exists).
  def removeOutputsByFilter(f: (BlockManagerId) => Boolean): Unit = synchronized {
    for (mapId <- 0 until mapStatuses.length) {
      if (mapStatuses(mapId) != null && f(mapStatuses(mapId).location)) {
        _numAvailableOutputs -= 1
        mapStatuses(mapId) = null

[2]. In DAG scheduler, only unregister the outputs related to the exact executor(instead of the host) on a FetchFailure.

2.1 when case FetchFailed(bmAddress, shuffleId, mapId, reduceId, failureMessage) =>

2.2 then check if (env.blockManager.externalShuffleServiceEnabled && unRegisterOutputOnHostOnFetchFailure), remove and unregister

              execId = bmAddress.executorId,
              fileLost = true,
              hostToUnregisterOutputs = hostToUnregisterOutputs,
              maybeEpoch = Some(task.epoch))

[3]. Key function to remove/unregister is removeExecutorAndUnregisterOutputs(...)

3.1 remove from bm blockManagerMaster.removeExecutor(execId)

3.2 remove from track map, mapOutputTracker.removeOutputsOnHost(host) for host and mapOutputTracker.removeOutputsOnExecutor(execId) for executor

SPARK-20014: Optimize mergeSpillsWithFileStream method

[1]. Convert to InputStream

-    final InputStream[] spillInputStreams = new FileInputStream[spills.length];
+    final InputStream[] spillInputStreams = new InputStream[spills.length];

[2]. Construct output stream

final OutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(

[3]. Tunnel input to output

ByteStreams.copy(partitionInputStream, partitionOutput);

SPARK-15074: Cache shuffle index file to speedup shuffle fetch

  • pain: Shuffle fetch on large intermediate dataset is slow because the shuffle service open/close the index file for each shuffle fetch.
  • solution: This change introduces a cache for the index information so that we can avoid accessing the index files for each block fetch
    shuffleIndexCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
