Generally AI Episode 1: Large Language Models

  • Prompt injection poses a significant security risk in applications utilizing large language models, requiring careful consideration and protective measures.
  • The OWASP top 10 for large language models highlights vulnerabilities, including prompt injection, insecure output handling, training data poisoning, model denial of service, and supply chain vulnerabilities.
  • The history of the transformer architecture, particularly the Google team behind it, is explored
  • OpenAI’s pricing structure charges for both input and output tokens, with costs increasing for larger context lengths, emphasizing the need for users to set alarms and limits.
  • The ability to view word probabilities in OpenAI’s playground provides transparency into the model’s decision-making process

Generally AI Episode 2: AI-Generated Speech and Music

  • AI-generated voices could be great solutions to help podcast editors and people at risk of losing their ability to speak
  • AI-generated voices do present risks for misuse as well as legal and ethical questions regarding “cloning” the voices of celebrities
  • There are two broad strategies for generating music with AI: score generation and audio generation
  • LLMs have inspired methods for score generation, while image generation AI inspired techniques for audio generation
  • Real-time and adaptive generation of audio could be helpful for solo performers